
The SLHRS is always looking for new people who are interested in participating in the Society’s activities.  The attached membership document can be printed and brought to the depot.  

Membership Dues
General $15 per Month
Associate $20 per Year
Student $5 per Month

Teenagers under the age of 18 and who have reached their 12th birthday can apply as Student Members. Upon reaching their 18th birthday, they may formally apply for a General Membership.

All memberships have a probationary period of six (6) months so that you and the membership can get to know one another. During this time the skills and enthusiasm of the new member can be demonstrated toward the goals of the Society. Probationary membership dues are $15 per month.

Each new member who has demonstrated a willingness to contribute to the Society and the ability to safely run trains on the Society\’s display can run equipment on their own using his/her own trains or trains belonging to the Society. All rolling stock must meet the Society\’s Rules of The Road Standards.

All members are required to serve on at least one committee and donate time related to the museum, the building, the operational display, and their maintenance. Attendance at monthly general meetings is also required.

The bylaws for the San Leandro Historical Railway Society are available for review here (updated May 4, 2012).



In order to join, please download our SLHRS Membership Application and submit it in person at the Depot or via email to