Category: News

  • Deck for the Depot

    Thank you Ed and Barry for finally cleaning and staining the deck. Looks awesome.

  • New Sign

    As of last weekend we now have a new sign on the end of the Depot facing the street. Make sure to check out the pictures in the photo gallery.

  • Saturday 9-18-2010

    This Saturday was another beautiful day at SLHRS.  Today some work was done on the G&O, mostly planning for how the track is going to be laid. On the HO scale layout some of the scenery in the Roseville yard was updated. We had a few visitors, including a former member visiting from New York.

  • Tuesday Night

    Tonight we had a normal Tuesday night, with several members and a couple of visitors. Work is continuing in the back on the G&O, with all of the pavers in the yard section being completed. Several members were able to run tonight on the HO scale layout,  providing plenty of traffic for the visitors to…

  • Tuesday Night Work on the G&O

    Work is continuing on the G&O Here is a picture of two members setting pavers for the setup yard area of the G&O:

  • New SLHRS Website

    Welcome to the new & improved website for the San Leandro Historic Railway Society!  We\’ll be cleaning things up, adding blog posts by members, and jumping into the world of social media! Follow SLHRS on Twitter! Like SLHRS on Facebook!