Paranormal Investigations

Want to investigate a real Train Depot with consistent paranormal activity? Our Depot has 120 years of history and is a great location for beginner investigators to get familiar with their tools and techniques.

We have hosted investigations by local groups such as Alameda Paranormal Researchers, Bay Area Ghost Hunters, and Gussethunters.

  • Small investigation teams: 5-6 people
  • Consistent recorded activity
  • Historic building and area
  • Renovations have instigated new activity
  • Equipment available for use
  • Experienced investigator mentors

Paranormal investigations are available to private groups by appointment. Our resident SLHRS members Trisha F., Stacy M., & Tracy N. will be on hand to educate investigators on the building history and past activity, as well as assistance with equipment and techniques.

Investigators are asked for a $40 donation per person the the San Leandro Historical Railway Society\’s Reserve Fund in order to participate. Schedule your investigation today or express your interest in learning more by emailing Trisha at

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