At the June General Membership Meeting, the election for the 2016-2017 Executive Board of the San Leandro Historical Railway Society was held. It was a tight vote, but huge thanks go out to all active members who attended to vote and to those who submitted absentee ballots!
Elections Results
- President: Jeff Zolfarelli
- Vice President: Tom Blinn
- Treasurer: Barry Chinn
- Secretary: Trisha Fawver
- Historian: Pat LaTorres
- Sergeant at Arms: Craig Matoza
Thanks 2016 Board!
The Society thanks our former board members Mark Johnson (fmr. President), Eugene Brichacek (fmr. Vice President), and Edson Lee (fmr. Sergeant at Arms) for their service in the last year.
Superintendent Nominations & Election
Nominations are now open for the HO Superintendent and G&O Superintendent positions for 2016-2017. Eugene Brichacek will be running the nomination and elections process before next year\’s Vice President Tom Blinn starts his tenure, so please contact Eugene Brichacek to nominate your candidate or request an absentee ballot. The current incumbents were both elected to the Executive Board, so we do need folks to step up and run! The election will take place at the July general membership meeting on July 15, 2016 at 7:30 PM in the Depot.
So far, the following members have accepted nominations:
- HO Superintendent: Eugene Brichacek
- G&O Superintendent: Joe Barker
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